Saturday, October 3, 2009
If There's One Cockroach Are There More
Hair Dye Color Conversion
This genealogy was not possible without the collaboration of Michel Saved exhaustive since PRSD my intelligence in respect of Eugene Daste, as registered in the Consulate
Saved Michel has done a very full featured on this page.
No doubt Evelyn was extremely good contributor to my own research it was she who gave me the track of the birth of Eugene by adding some old family photos.
of Remy DASTIS , doctor, and Marie Boe , his wife
04.12.1847 o (act 13), Marie-Therese DAST-BOE
o 03/11/1846, to Eugene Auguste Michel DAST-BOE
o 01.10. 1844, Prosper Louis Arnaud DAST-BOE
o 02/16/1842, Mary DAST-BOE
16.04 o .1840, Adeline DAST-BOE
the + 17/02/1843 (note 18) of Barthélémie ABADIE (nee 1787) , wife of Jean Daste, housewife, aged 56, daughter Andre and Etienne Grazide , deceased, when Oursbelille lived.
the + 15/02/1848 (act of 16), Jean Daste (1775 Chelle-Debat) , owner and farmer; 73 years old, born 1775 to Chelle-Debat to, residing in Oursbelille, widower Barthélémie ABADIE son of Abraham and Bernarde CARRÈRE
A Bagneres de Bigorre,
x 10/02/1839, from
Remy DASTIS , MD, o the Oursbelille 28.08.1813, son of John , owner and of Bartholomew ABADIE , domiciled Oursbelille and
Marie-Francoise Oriza BOÉ , o 03/22/1809 Bagneres the daughter of Dominique , merchant, residing in Paris, by consenting to the marriage act in patent selected master Constant Charlot and his colleague, notaries in Paris, dated January 23, and Marie Jeanne Graciet , + the 02/08/1834 at Bagneres.
témoins : Arnaud Graciette , négociant, 41 ans, oncle de l'épouse , Marcel Alexis Vignerte , négociant, 61 ans, oncle par alliance de l'épouse, Charles Ganderax , médecin, chevalier de
spouses must sign.
+ the 08/02/1834, from Marie Jeanne Graciet , aged about 50 years, born and living in Bagneres wife Dominique BOÉ , Merchant, at home, Place de
Note, according to previous research:
Hypolite Marcel Alexis Vignerte (uncle by marriage of the wife) , dyer, o 08/17/1778 Bagneres Bagneres 11/03/1852 + the
x 20/10/1811 Bagneres
Jeanne BOÉ ( aunt Marie-Francoise Oriza ) o Bagneres 08.04.1784, + 07.20.1848, rue des Promenades, Bagneres.
Parents Jeanne BOÉ ,
x 09.02.1782, of Boe , draper, 31, son of the late John, laborer and Brigitte SARRAUTE , a native of the parish of Sarremezan, Diocese of Commines (equity department
Jeanne Marie is the + 04/17/1786, aged 36 years.
Back Oursbelille,
28.08.1813 o (act of 29), Remy DASTIS son of Jean , sawyer, aged 34, living Oursbelille and Barthélémie ABADIE , sawyer.
x 10/29/1812, from
Jean Daste , sawyer (long), aged 37 , born 1775 to Debat Chelle, living Oursbelille, widower Jeanne HERROU , + Oursbelille on 08/21/1807, son of Abraham and Bernard CARRÈRE , married, cultivators Chelle-Debat and
The future sign the deed.
(+ the 08/22/1807, from HERROU Jeanne, said Darqué , 45, daughter of lights and Marie Dominique Grazan , married, farmer, wife Jean Daste, native Chelle, cultivator Oursbelille).
Death of Jeanne's father :
Ventose on 27 + year eleven (03/18/1803) of Dominique HERROU said Arque , farmer, 80 years old, residing in Oursbelille, widower of Mary Grazan).
+ the 21/09/1885, from Remy DASTIS , Doctor medicine, aged 72, Knight
the + 22/03/1887 (act of 23), Boe , annuitant, age 77, born at Bagneres de Bigorre, Tarbes domciliée house Ducor, 56 rue des Fosses Great, widow of Remy DAST.
lacks the baptismal certificate of Remy, c. 1783.
Abraham DASTIS and Bertrande CARRÈRE:
o 12/11/1781, Jeanne's godfather and godmother: Jean DAST (signing) and Mary Lamon
o 02/08/1780 , Jeanne Marie , p and m Jean Carrère of Trouley-Labarthe and Matheer Viau (gds maternal grandparents)
x 04.02.1777, Abraham DASTIS , son of John and Catherine Abadie , married, of this parish, and Bernard CARRÈRE girl Jean and Matheer VIAU , parish of Trouley-Labarthe.
Michel Saved
Co-founder and board member of administration of "Roots and Branches French Acadians," Acadian database created in 1988.
- Past President of Odosséen since 1989 (historical chronicles my town of residence)
- Host Round Introduction to Genealogical Research Association Guillaume Mauran, Tarbes, since 1991
- Board of Directors and correspondent for the High Pyrenees, the Mutual Genealogical du Midi Toulousain.
- co-webmaster and moderator of the forum genealogy "genhp65" created in 2001 with